Wed. Jan 29th, 2025

SERA History

ASERA is the Association of “Anciens” of the SERA.

The SERA is the “Session Européenne des Responsables d’Armement” a Defence armament economy course focusing on European challenge. These sessions are organised by the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale IHEDN since 2010, following the merging in this year of CHEAr (Centre des Hautes Etudes de l’Armement) with IHEDN

This is the site of the association providing information about our activities, our meetings and members, our status.

ASERA, « Association des Anciens de la Session Européenne des Responsables d’Armement », finds its inception with the SERA course.

In 1989 Six European National Armament Directors decided to foster European cooperation creating a course gathering a selected number of high level auditors addressing European Defence and Armament issues.

SERA Course is nowadays organized by IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale). Each year a promotion of about 60 auditors coming from the 28 European Union members, Switzerland, Norway, Turkey, European Defence Agency, European Commission and OCCAR (organisation for joint armament cooperation), are following a course addressing European Defence and Armament issues during four weeks spent in France and in two others SERA nations.

The SERA provides senior managers from official services and companies involved in defence equipment matters and in European collaboration with an environment for training and reflection, meetings and uninhibited discussion. The aim is to improve mutual understanding between partners with a view to strengthen the European outlook in issues concerning defence and related equipment.

One of the most important benefits of the SERA is the value gained by the auditors, both on their own account and for their country, from a comparison of working methods and professional experiences. The joint activity and the visits favour a dialogue between individuals of similar status and from different backgrounds, and ensure that benefits are gained from a confrontation of ideas.

SERA is a forum of exchange offering the opportunity to develop close links between the auditors.

The first SERA auditors, understanding the open and friendly relationship developed during the SERA course, decided to keep alive the spirit and to create a real European network. ASERA was created.

Today ASERA gathers about 1000 members and more than 750 are in activity as Executives in their national Defence and Security governmental agencies or companies.

ASERA is an above the borders network.

ASERA in addition to the basic activities of an association, organizes each year in connection with its General Assembly, a one day seminar addressing major subjects related to Defence and Security in Europe during which senior executives are speaking and exchanging with the Alumni.

For the recent past years seminars were held with focus in Roma on south Mediterranean turbulences, in Helsinki on Nordics and Baltics issues, in Paris for the 25th year anniversary of ASERA under the high patronage of the French Minister of Defence, in Vienna on the eastern European borders and in Copenhagen on Artic and European crisis.

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